my business my pride


showcasing LGBTQ entrepreneurs of Pittsburgh, this video illuminates their inspiring journeys, shedding light on the challenges that shaped their success


Tom and Samir


from childhood to early adulthood, this heartwarming mini-doc showcases the success of one Pittsburgh-based BBBS duo in particular: Tom and Samir. BBBS wanted an effective edit to capture what it’s like to be a part of their mentorship program, to show supporters at the Big Bash (their CEO-filled and impressively-big annual fundraiser that causes me sensory overload every time i go). editing this was special to say the least. it was full of all sorts of lil' scavenger hunts, with me trying to retrieve archived footage of the duo going back 6 years, or so. although it took awhile to gather all of the old footage, positive feedback was near immediate — the director, producer and client alike loved the direction taken with the edit, which the final audience certainly reciprocated

Answer in Progress

what school didn’t teach you about money


for a favorite YouTube channel of mine, actually — the Answer in Progress crew reached out to me, looking for an editor to cut a video for the Buffer Festival, which would then go onto their YouTube channel. it covers all you need to know about how money is taught in school (or, how it’s not taught), and what people can do to learn what they need to learn post-graduation and how we can change the curriculum for the better


a little time makes a big impact


with my most recent edit for BBBS and their annual Big Bash, the scope was pretty broad, but quite the creatively fulfilling endeavor. if my other edit for them was meant to reveal what it's like to be apart of it mano a mano, this one captures the very essence of the cause, the fulfilling nature of the program, and how it positively impacts *everyone* involved — across the board. being asked to create a narrative ambiance piece, is no straightforward thing to execute; it's definitely an open-ended ask. however, what i was able to put into it, and with how it turned out on top of the reception it received at the event, i am so happy to have edited such a piece

Moon Golf

Dirty Sprout teaser

(editing, color and dir.)

cut, colored, and conceptualized to advertise Moon Golf's debut single, "Dirty Sprout," thoughtfully designed for an eye-catching social media presence